What does Ketamine feel Like?
For most people Ketamine feels like a dream-like state. But most agree that they have more of a felt sense in their body than they would in a dream.
The experience is also not as fleeting as a dream and it’s much easier to remember than a dream.
If you’re considering trying Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP), one of the things you might be wondering is, what does it actually feel like when you are under the influence of the medicine?
If you’ve never used any type of psychedelic drug recreationally then it’s difficult to have a frame of reference.
You may have experiences with alcohol, but Ketamine is nothing like alcohol.
Everyone’s experience is different and the same person can have very different experiences in each Ketamine journey.
For most people Ketamine feels like a dream-like state. But most agree that they have more of a felt sense in their body than they would in a dream.
The experience is also not as fleeting as a dream and it’s much easier to remember than a dream.
There is often a point where people feel a disconnection from their body and an out-of-body experience.
You might fear losing control. But unlike being under the influence of alcohol, there’s no slurring, telling of secrets, or uncontrollable or unwanted behaviors.
KAP clients are safe and comfortable lying down with an eye mask and headphones throughout the experience.
What makes KAP so different from recreational drug experiences is that you’re using the medicine in a controlled setting with the intention of healing.
Over the last several months I’ve seen some of the most profound changes for clients using KAP as a part of their treatment. Things we’ve been working on for years are clicking, and there’s so much positive forward movement.
It’s during these out of body experiences and in this dream-like state that many clients experience a feeling of freedom from their self-defeating thoughts and patterns.
For the first time their minds are completely clear. There’s no questioning of their every move. They don’t have a to-do list, and they aren’t replaying difficult memories or feelings.
For the first time ever, they can just be. And it’s unlike anything they’ve experienced before.
Some people become connected to younger parts of themselves that have felt lost and disconnected, and this creates a profound sense of healing.
Integration sessions following these dosing sessions help clients return to these states without the medicine in their day-to-day lives.
This allows People to feel like they can let go and move on from traumatic events that have kept them stuck for so long.
A recent New York Times Op-Doc was released and it depicts the use of KAP for a firefighter and it does a really great job of showing how a ketamine session actually looks. In the documentary they use an IV which is different from the lozenges that my clients are prescribed, but the depiction is very similar. You can watch it here, it’s only 17 minutes long.
If this sounds like something you’d like to experience for yourself, click the link here and book your free 15-minute phone consultation.
Ketamine Therapy VS Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
Ketamine research is showing amazing results but do you know that difference between Ketamine Therapy and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy? Read more to find out…
Ketamine clinics are popping up all over California. The research is exciting. It reports immediate relief from treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Most people experience immediate relief. But, these reports often overlook the importance of integration as an ongoing process. This is truly what creates lasting change.
Ketamine Therapy is the process of receiving Ketamine. You can administer it through an IV, a lozenge, or nasal spray. Most Ketamine clinics provide a medical evaluation prior to treatment. Then, the patient arrives and the drug is administered.
Ketamine remains in the system for 45 minutes to 2 hours. During this time, the person feels sedated and has an internal psychedelic experience. Once the experience is over, a chaperone will wheel the patient out to drive them home.
Without appropriate integration, the experience is just an experience. It can be difficult to process the learnings from the experience. It can be difficult to allow them to permeate everyday life.
Why Choose KAP?
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is more fully supported. The emphasis and focus are on the preparation, intention setting, and integration processes.
Much of the research on psychedelic assisted therapy discusses the importance of set and setting. It determines whether a person will experience a positive outcome. I strongly believe that.
Set refers to the mindset in which a person is in prior to an experience. The setting refers to the physical space and energy surrounding the experience.
Many people use psychedelics recreationally. The experience is not therapeutic or healing. It is just an experience.
The Power of Integration
In my work with KAP clients I first seek to know them, their histories, and their goals for treatment. This sets the stage for the work we will do together and it is about trust building.
Most of my clients have never used any type of recreational drugs. We spend a lot of time preparing for a dosing session. We focus on answering questions. We also discuss the fears and anxieties that naturally come up.
We also spend a lot of time discussing goals and intentions. I carefully prepare the space for each dosing session. I incorporate aromatherapy and music to enhance each client’s experience. This also helps with integration.
Ketamine Journeys are 3-hour sessions. We discuss intentions and practice meditation. I help ease the client into the experience. Once the effects of the ketamine wear off there is plenty of time for clients to return to their bodies and process the experience.
1-3 days following a journey, clients return to my office for an integration session. In this session, we also use aromatherapy. It helps the client remember the learnings they experienced during their journey. We discuss any insights they’ve had. I also use Brainspotting to anchor in the experience. It helps clients return to the places and feelings they’d like to take away from the experience.
Real Results, Real Transformation
Last week, I shared some of the amazing results my clients are experiencing after just one Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) session.
Improved sleep, the ability to be present, implementing healthy lifestyle changes, and seeing oneself positively... the list goes on and on. In case you missed that email you can read it here.
If you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey click the link below to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation. We’ll answer all your questions and make sure it’s right for you.