Is a Couples Intensive what you really need this summer?
You’re ready for things to change.
You’re ready to start feeling heard.
You’re ready to dig deep but you’re also afraid that the process of healing your marriage will take a really long time.
I get it. I too hate how freaking long healing can take.
I love my clients and the work we do together, but the truth is: this model hasn’t been working for me either.
You know your relationship needs help.
You know you’re tired of the fighting, the silence, the walking on eggshells.
You’ve thought about calling for therapy so many times, you’ve clicked through and read everything on my website, but every time you think about booking your consultation you stop.
You look at your calendar with all the upcoming events you have, and weekly therapy just never seems like a good idea. You don’t have a day every week to devote to the process even though you are SO ready.
You’re ready for things to change.
You’re ready to start feeling heard.
You’re ready to dig deep but you’re also afraid that the process of healing your marriage will take a really long time.
I get it. I too hate how freaking long healing can take.
I love my clients and the work we do together, but the truth is: this model hasn’t been working for me either.
The standard 50 minute sessions often go like this: 10 minutes to catch up and choose what we should work on, 30 minutes of work, an intervention, and intense emotion, 10 minutes to wrap up and summarize what was learned.
I am so adamant about couples coming to see me on a weekly basis because there’s a lot to cover, and we can’t always wrap sessions up with a pretty bow. Sometimes you’ll have to sit in the discomfort of a cliff hanger until the next session.
Healing attachment wounds, betrayals, and long-standing negative communication patterns takes hard work and dedication. It also takes consistency.
Sometimes you just can’t get into the office once a week and that’s why I’ve started doing more intensive work with couples.
I want you to reach your goals in a shorter period of time.
Intensives are an accelerated form of therapy that help clients feel better faster.
No more weekly appointments. No more watching the clock and trying to decide if the issue you’d like to bring up can be covered in the remaining 40 minutes of the session.
These intensive sessions are so juicy and fruitful. There are no interruptions. No more starting and stopping until next week.
You know that you’re ready to dig in and get uncomfortable, but rather than dragging it out week by week, for months, you can do it in two, 4 hour sessions or one, 8 hour session, once a month.
Summer gets busy with travel and kids being out of school but that doesn’t mean that healing your relationship needs to remain on hold.
Click the here to book your free phone consultation to find out how an intensive can work for you.